February 12, 2023

Paul McCartney - The Kentucky Kernel (KY) October 28th 1969

Paul McCartney 
 The Kentucky Kernel (KY) 
October 28th 1969
Paul McCartney
Paul Dead

The Beatles - The Daily Colonist (Canada) January 15th 1967


The Beatles 
 The Daily Colonist (Canada) 
January 15th 1967

Paul McCartney - Arrives At The Narcotic Control Office, Tokyo, Japan January 17th 1980


Paul McCartney 
 Arrives At The Narcotic Control Office
 Tokyo, Japan 
January 17th 1980

Paul McCartney - The Daily Colonist (Canada) January 26th 1980


Paul McCartney 
 The Daily Colonist (Canada) 
January 26th 1980

The Beatles - The Daily Colonist (Canada) February 2nd 1964


The Beatles 
 The Daily Colonist (Canada) 
February 2nd 1964

The Beatles - Press Conference Toronto August 17th 1965


The Beatles 
 Press Conference 
August 17th 1965

The Beatles - The Daily Colonist (Canada) August 18th 1965


The Beatles 
 The Daily Colonist (Canada) 
August 18th 1965

The Beatles
Arrival in Toronto
August 17th 1965

The Beatles - The Daily Colonist (Canada) September 11th 1964


The Beatles 
 The Daily Colonist (Canada) 
September 11th 1964

The Beatles 
Vancouver Press Conference
August 22nd 1964

The Beatles - Disc (UK) November 9th 1963

The Beatles 
 Disc (UK) 
November 9th 1963


The Beatles - Color Home Movie St. Louis, MO August 21st 1966

The Beatles 
 Color Home Movie 
St. Louis, MO 
August 21st 1966