October 31, 2016

Paul McCartney - Le Matin Le Quotidien Romand (Switzerland) February 20th 1993

Paul McCartney
 Le Matin Le Quotidien Romand (Switzerland) 
February 20th 1993

Paul McCartney - Le Matin Le Quotidien Romand (Switzerland) December 18th 1995

Paul McCartney 
 Le Matin Le Quotidien Romand (Switzerland) 
December 18th 1995

Paul McCartney - L'Express (Switzerland) April 24th 1998

Paul McCartney 
 L'Express (Switzerland) 
April 24th 1998

The Beatles - 24 Heures (Switzerland) January 18th 1994

The Beatles 
 24 Heures (Switzerland) 
January 18th 1994

George Harrison - L'Unità (Italy) December 31st 1999

George Harrison  
L'Unità (Italy)
 December 31st 1999

Paul McCartney - Le Nouvelliste (Switzerland) December 16th 1999

Paul McCartney  
Le Nouvelliste (Switzerland) 
December 16th 1999

Ringo Starr - Extra! June 1st 1995

Ringo Starr 
 June 1st 1995

The Beatles - Le Matin Le Quotidien Romand (Switzerland) December 15th 1995

The Beatles 
 Le Matin Le Quotidien Romand (Switzerland) 
December 15th 1995

The Beatles - Le Matin Le Quotidien Romand (Switzerland) February 15th 1994

The Beatles 
 Le Matin Le Quotidien Romand (Switzerland) 
February 15th 1994

Paul McCartney - Új Szó (Hungary) June 18th 1997

Paul McCartney 
 Új Szó (Hungary) 
June 18th 1997

George Harrison - Új Szó (Hungary) December 31st 1999

George Harrison 
 Új Szó (Hungary) 
December 31st 1999

The Beatles - L'Express (Switzerland) December 29th 1997

The Beatles 
 L'Express (Switzerland) 
December 29th 1997

Paul McCartney - Új Szó (Hungary) June 10th 1998

Paul McCartney 
 Új Szó (Hungary)
 June 10th 1998