June 24, 2018

The Beatles - KOA TV Denver, CO News August 25th 1964

The Beatles 
Stapleton Airport
 KOA TV News
Denver, CO  
August 25th 1964

The Beatles - "Something New" Record Promotional Advertisement July 25th 1964

The Beatles 
 "Something New" 
Record Promotional Advertisement 
from Billboard Magazine
July 25th 1964

The Beatles 
"And I Love Her"

John Lennon - AP Newswire Press Photograph January 23rd 1970

John Lennon 
 AP Newswire Press Photograph 
January 23rd 1970

John Lennon - The Daytona Beach Morning Journal (FL) October 4th 1975

John Lennon 
 The Daytona Beach Morning Journal (FL) 
October 4th 1975

The Beatles - The Ogdensburg Journal (NY) August 17th 1965

The Beatles 
 The Ogdensburg Journal (NY) 
August 17th 1965

The Beatles - The Clare Sentinel (MI) January 23rd 1964

The Beatles 
 The Clare Sentinel (MI) 
January 23rd 1964

John Lennon - The Boca Raton News (FL) March 31st 1990

John Lennon 
 The Boca Raton News (FL)
 March 31st 1990

The Beatles - The Gadsden Times (AL) August 8th 1966

The Beatles 
 The Gadsden Times (AL)
 August 8th 1966

The Beatles - AP Newswire Press Photograph February 7th 1964

The Beatles 
 AP Newswire Press Photograph 
February 7th 1964

John Lennon - The Spartanburg Herald Journal (SC) October 12th 1984

John Lennon 
 The Spartanburg Herald Journal (SC) 
October 12th 1984

Ringo Starr - "Stop & Smell The Roses" Record Promotional Advertisement October 31st 1981

Ringo Starr 
 "Stop & Smell The Roses" 
Record Promotional Advertisement 
from Billboard Magazine
October 31st 1981

Ringo Starr 
 "Stop & Smell The Roses" 

The Beatles - The Milwaukee Sentinel (WI) Newswire Press Photographs September 4th 1964

The Beatles 
 The Milwaukee Sentinel (WI) 
Newswire Press Photographs
 September 4th 1964

John Lennon - The Sarasota Herald Tribune (FL) March 3rd 1985

John Lennon 
 The Sarasota Herald Tribune (FL) 
March 3rd 1985